Make Your Own Wildlife Habitat
Certification Requirements
Did you know you can certify your own property as a wildlife habitat? The process of getting certified is easy; it’s quick and it’s fun. You’ll likely find that your yard already contains many, if not all of the elements needed to qualify. And if you're already avoiding pesticides and herbicides, you may already be ready!
And stewards are available to help, so don't hesitate to contact us. Better yet, join us and once you are certified you can help others through the process too!
Here’s what you need:
The Food element can include plants that provide nectar, pollen, sap, seeds or berries as well as feeders. You need a minimum of three Food sources for your yard to qualify as a Wildlife Habitat.
The Water element can include, among others, a pond, stream, wetland, water garden or a birdbath. Your backyard needs one Water element to qualify.
The Cover element can include shrubs, woodpiles, stone walls, a water garden, roosting boxes, wooded areas and evergreens. You need at least two cover elements for certification.
Places to Raise their Young
The elements that qualify for places for wildlife to raise their young often overlap with cover, and include shrubs, woodpiles, nesting boxes, wooded areas and evergreens. You need at least two of these elements for certification.
Sustainable Gardening Practices
Maintaining your landscape in a sustainable, environmentally-friendly way ensures that the soil, air, and water that native wildlife (and people) rely upon stay clean and healthy.